SRS (Meeting Application) | Overall Description

4.2.1 Product Perspective

The meeting application is a replacement for traditional meeting management methods that rely on manual scheduling and documentation. The meeting application will provide an advanced meeting scheduling system, making it easy to organize, track, and manage meetings within an organization. It will streamline the entire process, from setting up meetings to recording minutes and tracking attendance.

4.2.2 Product Functions

The proposed meeting application is designed to simplify the organization and management of meetings, providing features for both users and administrators.

For Users

  1. New User Registration:
    • This feature allows new users (employees, team members, etc.) to sign up for the system by providing the necessary details.
  2. User Login:
    • This feature provides authenticated access for registered users to use the system.
  3. Schedule Meeting:
    • This feature allows users to schedule meetings by providing details such as meeting title, date, time, agenda, and participants.
  4. View Meetings:
    • This feature allows users to view upcoming and past meetings, including details and status.
  5. Join Meeting:
    • This feature enables users to join scheduled meetings via integrated video conferencing tools.
  6. Meeting Agenda:
    • This feature allows users to create and share the meeting agenda with participants.
  7. Minutes of Meeting:
    • This feature allows users to document and distribute minutes and action items after the meeting.
  8. Receive Notifications:
    • This feature sends automated notifications and reminders for upcoming meetings, changes, and cancellations.

For Admin

  1. Record Meeting Activities:
    • This feature allows administrators to record various meeting activities, such as meeting schedules, cancellations, and attendance.
  2. Manage Users:
    • This feature allows administrators to manage user accounts, including adding new users, updating user information, and controlling access rights.
  3. Manage Meetings:
    • This feature allows administrators to oversee all meetings, including scheduling, editing, and canceling meetings as needed.
  4. Room and Resource Booking:
    • This feature allows administrators to manage and allocate meeting rooms and resources, ensuring their availability and proper utilization.
  5. View Meeting Analytics:
    • This feature allows administrators to view detailed analytics on meeting attendance, frequency, and duration for performance evaluation.
  6. Defaulter List:
    • This feature allows administrators to track and list participants who consistently miss or cancel meetings without notice.
  7. Send Broadcast Notifications:
    • This feature allows administrators to send important announcements and updates to all users within the system.

By implementing these features, the meeting application will streamline the entire meeting process, enhancing efficiency and organization within any institution.

4.2.3 Class Diagram and Characteristics

Class Diagram for Meeting Application simply describes structure of Meeting Application’s class, attributes, methods or operations, relationship among objects.

Class Diagram of Meeting Application


  • The multiplicity of the relationships between User and Meeting, User and Participant, Meeting and Recording, and Participant and Chat have been added to indicate the cardinality of the relationships.
  • For example, User "1" ---> "*" Meeting : hosts > indicates that one User can host multiple Meetings.


  • The Meeting class has an aggregation relationship with User for the host attribute, represented by Meeting *-- "1" User : host. This indicates that a Meeting contains one User as the host.
  • The Meeting class also has an aggregation relationship with Participant, represented by Meeting o-- "*" Participant : participants. This indicates that a Meeting contains multiple Participant objects.
  • The Chat class has an aggregation relationship with User for the sender attribute, represented by Chat o-- "1" User : sender. This indicates that a Chat message is associated with one User as the sender.

By understanding these aggregation and multiplicity relationships, we can better comprehend how different classes interact within the meeting application, ensuring efficient organization and management of meetings

4.2.4 General Constraints

  • Database Management: All user accounts, meeting details, and application data must be stored in a database managed by mongodb Server.
  • Continuous Availability: The Meeting Application must be operational 24 hours a day, ensuring uninterrupted access for users.
  • Platform Accessibility: Users should be able to access the Meeting Application from any device with internet browsing capabilities and an active internet connection.
  • Secure User Authentication: To access their accounts and perform actions, users must provide correct usernames and passwords, ensuring secure authentication.
  • Data Privacy: The Meeting Application must adhere to data privacy regulations and ensure the confidentiality of user information and meeting data.
  • Scalability: The system should be designed to accommodate a growing number of users and meetings without compromising performance.

4.2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies


  • Error-Free Coding: The coding for the Meeting Application should be free of errors to ensure smooth functionality.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The application should have a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to schedule and join meetings.
  • Database Accessibility: All user data and meeting details will be stored in a database accessible by the Meeting Application.
  • Storage Capacity and Speed: The system should have ample storage capacity and provide fast access to the database to support efficient data retrieval and processing.
  • Search Functionality and Quick Transactions: The Meeting Application should offer search capabilities for meetings and support quick transactions, enabling users to schedule, join, and manage meetings seamlessly.


  • Hardware and Software Requirements: The Meeting Application’s performance will depend on the specific hardware and software configurations on which it is deployed.
  • Development and Deployment Process: The project will be developed and run based on the listed requirements and specifications, following a systematic development and deployment process.
  • User Training and Understanding: End users, particularly administrators, should receive proper training and have a clear understanding of how to use the Meeting Application effectively.
  • Reporting Functionality: The system should have the capability to generate and store general reports related to meeting schedules, attendance, and other relevant metrics.
  • Database Accessibility for User Information: All user information must be stored in a database accessible by the Meeting Application to facilitate user authentication and access control.

Meeting Application Project | Source Code, Project Report, UML Diagrams

Meeting Application is one of the most common software development projects to date. In this article, we are going to make the Meeting Application software development project, from scratch, for final-year students. We will be covering all the steps you have to do while developing this project to create a Meeting Application Project.

Project Development is a multiphase process in which every process is equally important. Here in this post, we are also going to develop our Meeting Application Project in multiple phases, such as:

  1. Team Formation
  2. Topic Selection
  3. Creating Project Synopsys
  4. Requirement Gathering
  5. Coding or Implementation
  6. Testing
  7. Project Presentation
  8. Writing a Research Paper

Let us look into the steps one by one.

All Phases of meeting application

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